Menopause Programs & Services

Holistic Menopause Makeover Program is 6 week online mind & body reset course specifically designed for women who want to get a handle on their symptoms, increase energy, improve their overall health, fitness & wellbeing and have better mental clarity & focus during & after menopause so that she can live a thriving life.
Let me ask you..
Are you asking questions about your menopause but not getting the answers you need?
Do you feel that nobody understands you? began?
Do you feel alone & scared in this menopause nightmare?
Is anxiety getting the better of you?
Are you at the end of your rope and feel like throwing the towel in?
Are you sick of working out and not getting the result you want?
If you answered “Yes” to any of the above questions then you are in the right place at the right time.
My 6 week online HMM program is designed to help women, just like you, understand exactly what their body is going through during menopause, so that they will not only feel great mentally but look great physically.
The program will breakdown taboo issues related to menopause so that they can be tackled head on and with success. Each woman will have a better understanding about the mental & physiological changes her body is going through.
She will learn & understand the strategies needed to help tackle the issues most menopausal women will inevitably face and when she leaves the course she will have a toolbox of well sharpened tools that can be use to build the happy, healthy future she wants and deserves.
I want to be of value to all menopausal women whether peri or post and this program offers just that. It’s designed for all women, whether on HRT or not.
Start dates & price on application
Are you always tired?
Do you want to feel more energised?
Are your symptoms getting you down?
Are you piling on weight?
Does your tummy bloat?
Is your relationship suffering?
Are you fed up with feeling like this?
menopause is something every woman will go through in varying degrees. Some women will breeze through it whilst others will really suffer.
This interactive eBook shows you how to journey through menopause using holistic remedies and better lifestyle habits to get you not just looking great but feeling great too.
I used these exact same principles and I was not only able to fit back in my UK size 10 jeans but I found I had more energy, better mental focus and my symptoms were not as demanding.
From this eBook you will have a better understanding of the menopause and the effects it has on your body. You will also gain access to workouts and nutrition plans designed specifically for menopausal woman and self care tools to helps you on your journey.
Introductory Price

Menopause in the Workplace Talk
Menopause can be debilitating for many women and this can have a negative impact on not only her personal life but also her work life.
Menopause In The Workplace is an online or in-house educational talk designed to help workplaces support their female staff.
It is a talk that is aimed at all staff whether male of female to help develop and encourage open discussions about what is often an uncomfortable conversation for menopausal women and their colleagues.
This program will educate staff on what the menopause is, what to expect, how to deal with it in the workplace and how to implement coping strategies for a happier and healthier menopause at work. The learning will also enable staff who are living with menopausal relatives to better understand them and learn how to support their family member.
Benefits of this training
Less sick days
Greater employee Productivity
Improved working relationships
Happier workforce
Clearer communication
Thriving staff
Companies & businesses that have experienced this training gave feedback that managers found it extremely useful as it helped them to understand what female employers are going through and that by implementing simple strategies they can make the workplace far more comfortable and with little cost to make changes.
Price from
Are you looking for answers to your menopausal symptoms? Are you asking your health care provider and getting no straight answers or being told that you're not peri-menopausal?
Why not take control of your own health and book a 1-1 with me where I will go deep into your symptoms, journey, history and lifestyle and give you a written course of action, supplement recommendations, nutrition plan and lifestyle plan to help you to manage or even eradicate some of your symptoms completely.
Invest in your mental & physical health today
£149.00 (Online/Phone)

In Person Services
As well as the online services I offer there is also a range of in-person services for you to get involved in if you would like to. Take a look at what's on offer below and if you are interested please email or text 07960 395026 for more details.